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Hauptseite » 2012 » February » 27 » Die matches, des GCE 2012!
Die matches, des GCE 2012!
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Die matches.
Aufrufe: 481 | Hinzugefügt von: scoxts | Rating: 0.0/0

Kommentare insgesamt: 2
2 Graziele   (2012-06-04 11:28:20) [Material]
This post shows exactly WHY I love you. I am going tghuorh my own issues, realizing that I've never really been passionate about anything partly because I have never known myself. I sit here lost, wondering how I am still alive, scared about the future, lacking motivation and more importantly, passion. I've spent most of my life just surviving and trying to meet the expectations of others with no sense of self. It is music that connected me to wonderful artists, like yourself, who have encouraged me in ways big or small, to do SOMETHING. Like you, one of the things I have done is start a blog. Like you, I've taken flack for giving away some of my work. Protect it! It's valuable, they say. Monetary value cannot be compared to the value of finding myself tghuorh creative expression. Most of the time, when I put a copyright notice on something, it's simply to say I made this; don't try to take credit for it. If I do have a valuable gift, why keep it to myself? Why not let others benefit from it as well? But you could sell it. Well, that takes more effort and I don't have the energy. I'm just starting to find myself. I don't really know where I'm going, but at least I'm GOING SOMEWHERE now (even though I stop and take plenty of breaks). If I know I'm highly unlikely to put more effort into something that has potential, why NOT just give it to someone who will? When indie hip hop became a part of my life, I started taking pictures and playing my instruments again. I decided to start writing, just to play and see where it takes me. The artists I've connected with have taken me in like family, and that has changed my life in a big way. Why would I not want to give back to this family that accepted me for who I am, with all my imperfections. My writing is rough and unpolished and imperfect, and that is how I want to share it with the world because that is ME. I don't care how many hits my blog gets and hopefully I never will. When I look in the mirror, I finally see a part of me that I like, and I want to share this part of me with the world. For that reason alone, I'll put the link to my blog in the url field. I have a total of 5 posts so far. You have reached 100 TRACKS. Congratulations and I am proud of you. I also want to say thank you for sharing this stuff, and by this stuff I mean yourself, since this blog is for YOU. By sharing yourself, you have given me far more than any BRAND ever could. So to all your blog critics out there, I have this to say, and I am choosing my words very carefully here: you guys are DEAD wrong.

1 b0zzhaft7x   (2012-03-02 21:32:51) [Material]
Freu mich schon kollegahs ;D

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